Not all "Made in Italy" Italian products are made equal. How many times have you purchased a product supposedly made in Italy and you could not believe how cheap it was? Be careful. Just because a tag or label says "Made in Italy" does not mean it is an authentic Italian product.
Consumers, wholesalers and retailers should always check for authenticity before buying because there are illegal products on the market and unless you know how to check for authenticity, you may be buying illegal goods or counterfeit goods. There are some manufacturers who are engaging in child labor and running sweat shops. I saw many back door shops in Milan and Roma so be careful when you shop in Italy or buy in the U.S.
Genuine Italian Products come with a special True Italy service tag and have an authenticity code and serial number printed on the label. The label bears the logo that appears in this post. To check for authenticity, you go to, enter the authenticity code and click on the Check it now button. If you find that the product is not authentic, you should return it immediately and demand a refund. There are many unscrupulous vendors out there waiting for your dollar or euro. Don't become a victim.
If you are a wholesaler and looking to buy authentic products, please consider They are a highly reputable and respected company with various authentic Italian brands. In 2008, Italy was the 12th largest trading partner with the U.S. with exports to Italy of $15.5 billion and imports from Italy of $36.1 billion. While prices of authentic Italian products are higher than a similar product, you are buying the real thing and Italian quality will last you a lifetime, not 90 days.
I hope this authoritative information is helpful for any consumer, buyer or seller of All Things Italian.
Ciao e a presto,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
World Air Games
Jason Stephens, from our home town of Gilbert, Arizona is the only American glider scheduled to compete in the World Air Games on June 13, 2009 in Torino, Italy. Stephens is a three time national championship holder and co-owns a flying school with his brother.
Some of the worlds' top glider racers will be competing at a height of 1,000 - 3,000 meters.
Follow this race and visit the website for information about the World Air Games Gliding, Parachuting, Ballooning and many other air games.
Ciao e a presto,
Technorati Profile
Don't miss the September 13, 2009 Formula One Race in Monza, Italy.
Number of Laps: 53
Circuit Length: 5.793 km
Race Distance: 306.720 km
Lap Record: 1:21.046 - R Barrichello (2004)
To obtain ticket information or see the track, teams, records, etc, visit the website at
Ciao e a presto,
Number of Laps: 53
Circuit Length: 5.793 km
Race Distance: 306.720 km
Lap Record: 1:21.046 - R Barrichello (2004)
To obtain ticket information or see the track, teams, records, etc, visit the website at
Ciao e a presto,
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