Pizzo is a seaport and fishing center (located in the Province of Vibo Valentina) overlooking the Gulf of Santa Eufemia in the Region of Calabria. Pizzo boasts 320 days of sunshine so beach weather and water sports are plenty.
A worthwhile stop is to the legendary Chiesa di Piedigrotta, a cave chapel dug out of soft rock in gratitude of shipwrecked sailors saved in a storm.
Pizzo is also famous for its Tartufo (tahr-too-foh), an italian ice-cream made with two flavors. In the center you will find fruit syrup of raspberries, strawberries, or cherries while the outside is covered in luscious chocolate and cinnamon.
Plan your next trip to Pizzo and the Province of Vibo Valentia by visiting http://www.provincia.vibovalentia.it/?idWebpart=15223&id_nodo=602 (for English click on the translate box on the upper right corner of the site). One last thing --the closest airport is Lamezia Terme just 10km from the centre of town.
Ciao e a presto,