Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Get-A-Way in Rimini

Located on the Adriatic Sea, Rimini is one of the most popular summer vacation spots on the coast.
When you tire of the sea and sand, there are a few worthwhile places to see in the village square. Inside the Tempio Malatestiano, the official cathedral church of Rimini, is a faded yet spectacular fresco by Piero della Francesca.  Other chapels contain beautiful works of art, tombs, and statues of prophets. Don’t leave the square before taking a photo beside Rome's oldest surviving arch, the Arco d'Augusto erected in 27 BC.

Rimini has more than 1,000 hotels and restaurants. My favorites are: La Locanda di San Martino for fresh seafood and the luxurious 5-star Grand Hotel, and sits right on the beach.
For more information visit the Rimini Tourism Office website

Ciao e a presto,